Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bloomfield Farms Bread

Once again, I've been busy for a week or so, and I've neglected my blogging duties. Sorry about that. Just to warn you, it's not going to get better for a few days.

For my birthday, my mom gave me several cake and bread mixes to try. As you can tell from this blog, I do a lot from scratch, so I usually don't buy much in the way of boxed mixes. Tonight I thought I would try the bread mix since I'm out of bread and I need to use up these mixes. The bread mix is a pretty healthy-sized box of stuff: 25.6 ounces. And you are supposed to get one loaf of bread out of it. It looked like a lot, so I made two 1 1/2 pound loaves. As you can see below, they didn't raise as well as they might have, but they still are decent-sized.

Unfortunately, these loaves turned out a little dry. I haven't quite decided what to do with it to see if I can make it less dry next time.

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